Sulfuric Acid Structure H2SO4. 2PbS 3O 2 2PbO 2SO 2. Pin En Chemical Reactions The freezing point of different sulfuric acid concentrations can vary markedly. . VanadiumV oxide vanadia is the inorganic compound with the formula V 2 O 5Commonly known as vanadium pentoxide it is a brownyellow solid although when freshly precipitated from aqueous solution its colour is deep orangeBecause of its high oxidation state it is both an amphoteric oxide and an oxidizing agentFrom the industrial perspective it is the most. The underground mine gas term for foul-smelling hydrogen sulfide-rich gas mixtures is stinkdampSwedish chemist Carl Wilhelm. A concentrated acid is an acid which is in either pure form or has a high concentration. Zinc is a chemical element with the symbol Zn and atomic number 30. Because copper lies below hydrogen in the electromotive series it is not soluble in acids with the evolution of hydrogen though it will r...